seeing a ufo changed me. you too?
/Both sci-fi and real-sci loving humans pointed their ears to the first public hearing in 50 years on UFOs and aliens.
First finding: No proof of aliens. We can get that out of the way, despite the people you know who fit that category.
But UFOs? Officials say if you report one of those, you’ll no longer be considered crazy. Except if you’re telling a BIG LIE, which in this country doesn’t make you an alien, though some of us wish you’d go back to where you came from.
But a UFO? The Pentagon says there are some 400 reports that something maybe, could be, who knows, is out there. Seems pilots have seen weird things flying around military airspace -- maybe from Mordor or Selgrate -- or just new technology from countries on Earth we don’t like.
Which could be a lot worse.
I never reported my UFO citing; maybe now I can. You can too.
The date was August 22nd, not so many years after the last public UFO hearing. You don’t forget that kind of thing. Half asleep in a boyfriend’s car at 6 a.m. on the way to the Big Apple, I saw a yellow flying saucer circled with neon yellow lights hovering low near the highway. It zoomed way before we had Zoom. It seemed to be spying on me, or maybe trying to get into New York traffic, acting jerky like a kid’s bumper car, looking for a right of way. Then it was gone, disappeared, zoomed its way out of there all lightning speed and sideways before I could say “What the tarnation?” . . . which I’d never said before, but this called for a pronouncement out-of-the-box.
A fisherman I met in Florida said he also saw a flying saucer. Told me the whole story because he said it changed his life forever, gave him a sense of awe. Says the thing hovered above his boat at night, shone a bright yellow spotlight on him, then disappeared. Whoever or whatever they are, they do like yellow.
And a friend’s crazy ex-husband claims he was abducted by aliens from a spaceship, scanned, and put back down where they found him, which should have been far away from her. He stuck to that story, and some thought that’s what made him nuts. It’s hard to recover after being examined by MRIs, CAT scans and Ultrasounds, as some of us surely know.
Today the government is calling these strange goings-on UAPs or Unidentified Arial Phenomenon; they don’t all look like saucers, some are triangles. There are lots of theories floating around but most agree it’s time to take this matter out of a locked file and into the great blue yonder.
I don’t know if this means we should jam up the phone lines and report stuff. Probably not. If we were pilots way up there, then yes. But we landlubbers who may spy an otherworldly thing may want to pause and reconsider. Was it an annoying drone, a deflating balloon, rays of sunlight reflecting off a building? Apparently, lots of that going on.
Which could have happened to me. But like that crazy guy, I’m sticking to my story.
Here’s why: The bottom line is there’s only a little bit the government knows, even today. Or at least that’s all they’re telling us they know. The truth? Well, that’s something we apparently don’t know even when we know it, if you know what I mean.
But I know this: Everyone who says they’ve seen something feels changed. That’s real. And even if it was sunlight, or moonlight -- outside of it being a crock you made up to make yourself feel special, lots of that going around too -- those who saw something say they feel forever touched.
And that’s the real tarnation truth.
Personally, I’ve become a big fan of yellow.